Hi all,
I just thought I’d post a quick update — site stats are rocketing at the moment. Here’s where TBP stands:

  • We fully funded our Kickstarter project with hours to spare. THANK YOU ONE AND ALL! I’ll be putting your names up on the site to thank you, and sending out requests for details so we know where to send your prizes. If you still want to donate, you can do so here (check out the rewards we’ll send you in return here)
  • We’ve almost bought all of the equipment. Going out to buy the last bits today. Insurance, visas, vaccinations, bags, and the first tickets are already done.
  • Site stats—today is our busiest day so far, and it’s only 1 p.m—the USA isn’t even awake yet. Thank you all for keeping track of what we’re up to! However, if you want to stay even more up to date, you can subscribe to our mailing list here.
  • In case you’re wondering what’s happening with the site, we’re jiggling things around to make the homepage more lively. Should be done in a couple of weeks 🙂
  • Belle has landed in London, and Chris is arriving tonight at around 7. At that moment, and for the first time ever, the three of us will be standing in the same room together!
  • We’ll be posting our first videos tomorrow evening.

Okay, I’m off shopping. Remember, if you have any questions, contact us.

Nick x