Safety concerns lead to mass banning in Beijing Subways!







The crowded city of Beijing is in constant movement. This is illustrated be the fact 10 million passengers ride the Beijing subway on a week day. Filling the eight subway routs that cover 200 km during rush hour, the Beijing Subway can hit up to 4.9 million people!

Now…That’s a lot of people.

But due to safety hazard quarrels, strict regulations will be enforced in the Subway. Recent revisions to the Management of Subway Safety Operations have increased the prohibition of the selling of goods, distributing leaflets, and begging in carriages, passageways or halls.

“It would especially help passengers get rid of beggars and avoid being obliged to give money” –Jia Peng, spokesman of the Beijing Subways Operation Co. Ltd.

People who ignore these warnings from Subway staff and violate these new security regulations can face different penalties based on the specific circumstances. Consequences may include fines up to 1,000 yuan (about US$163) for May of next year, and those who are found distributing leaflets in Subway stations could face a maximum fine of 10,000 yuan (US $1,627).