Image courtesy of the Camden New Journal

If you want to busk in Camden, you now need a license – it’s one of the few places in London that requires one. And it’s such a stupid policy, it’s become fodder for Britain’s right-wing politicos.

I would never normally post something about a “Breitbart” article. It’s partly my liberal disposition, and partly my hatred of logos with flags in them. It’s also partly because I tend not to post articles from political blogs.

Buuuut, this article is pretty good, because the subject matter is so ridiculous – thanks to the Labour-led Camden council.

The policy to Busk in Camden

We’ve posted about Camden several times. There was the deputation for and against the new busking policy. And, from our review of the policy itself, called “A Cesspit of Culture and Spontaneity”:

Which brings me to the point of this article. Until now, Camden had been a cesspit of culture and spontaneity. Local residents could be entertained anywhere, at any time.

So, using the tried-and-contested “hammer and nut” philosophy, the Camden council has decided that artists should have to spend years perfecting their craft — and pay £47, apply in writing, and wait 20 working days for a council panel to decide whether they are a “fit and proper person”, if they want to busk in the borough.

Busking without a license is now a criminal offence punishable with a £1,000 fine and the confiscation of the artist’s instruments. If the fine is not repaid within 28 days, the council can sell the instruments in order to pay it.

The Breitbart Article

In his article, Wonder what life would be like under a Miliband Government?, Richard Bingley (Holy Shit I just realised I’m about to quote a member of UKIP) states:

What hostile force is a clear and present danger to those Labour Camden Councillors who risk life and limb every few weeks by bravely meeting in a warm Council Chamber, in one of the world’s safest capitals?

Not ISIS, not Al-Shabab, nor even a resurgent IRA.

But marauding troops of “buskers”.

Labour in Camden has now made unlicensed street music a criminal offence. Councillors brought in a regulatory system to supposedly take the fight to various busking-related public nuisances, including … er… alleged noise pollution, and …umm… its vague “links” to organised crime. Pickpockets, apparently.

(On that basis, let’s start closing down bus and railway stations then, or start banning trouser pockets, shall we?)

I’ve never sunk this low

Quoting a UKIP member favourably…don’t tell my parents. But, there you go. Labour’s anti-busking policy is so bad, it gives weirdos the chance to sound good.

One more quote:

Existing police and Council public order powers can more than adequately deal with any violence, threats, excessive noise, or otherwise.

Yet Camden Labour’s new local government law, to target unlicensed musical performers in public spaces, provide for fines of up to £1,000, a formal criminal record, and the seizure of music equipment; a person’s tools to make their living.

I can think of only one other territory where public music and dance has been tangibly outlawed: Afghanistan, under the Taliban between 1996 and 2001.

Okay, that’s it, I feel dirty. Ew.

You’re welcome, UKIP.